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The Forever Diet

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The Forever Diet

The Forever Diet programs are designed to help you finally master a plant-based diet!

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Your Weight Loss + The Forks Over Knives Group

Eating Clean Is Like Riding A Bike

If you’ve been dieting for weeks, months, or YEARS trying to lose stubborn weight or even just get off chronic meds, then keep reading—the following story might hit home for you...

The other day, I was in the Forks Over Knives Group.
A woman had been struggling to lose weight for years. She tried everything and was so exasperated with dieting. 
Eventually, she found her way to a plant-based diet 😁 but she couldn't make it last 😩
It was taking too much time, she wasn't seeing results fast enough, and she was ready to go back to eating meat and dairy. 🤦
It’s unfortunate, but I see this all the time—how other diet “goo-roos” rip people off by misleading them, making them throw in the towel when overnight results don’t happen like they promised. 
The truth is, eating clean is more like riding a bike for the first time. 🚲 You can't just hop on the first day and expect to zip around the neighborhood. 
Anyone who tells you otherwise is just trying to get your money and honestly probably can't even ride a tricycle.
That’s why I decided to be different—because I believe you deserve more.
>>The 14-Day Reboot Challenge shows you proven ways to break free from overeating and lose weight.
With the right instructor working hand-in-glove with you, teaching you tricks every step of the way, pretty soon you'll feel like you've been riding your whole life. 
It takes a little time, but every day you'd go a little faster and a little further. You'd grab some friends and go on a bumpy bike trail or a Sunday adventure. Giggling, laughing, all of those happy hormones flowing freely because of how fun and easy it is... 😂
Yesssssss... The best feeling in the world!!
With the right guidance and support, dieting and losing weight can become simple and ultimately change your life... 
And the best guidance and support is right here, in my 14-Day Reboot Challenge. 
It’s perfect for people who are frustrated and have been trying to stick to a plant-based diet to lose weight, feel better, and reclaim their health. 
If this is you, and you’re willing to put in a little work for massive results, then sign up:


Have a wonderful day!



PS: I didn't win the Tour de France, but I can help you win the dieting race once and for all. Your results and sanity are waiting.🥇

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